Sunday, June 5, 2016


Guardians of Chinese Animal Protection

Chinese dog rescuers are getting police attention...The tension in China is mounting..They appear to be getting very worried about activist presence there ..Andrea from DuoDuo has received the same treatment
John Sessa · Beiliu, China ·

UPDATE: Tensions were mounting all evening. All of the people that were friendly to us the night before were now nervous and wouldn't look in our direction. We could tell something was in the air, but convinced ourselves it was our own paranoia, said our good byes and retired to our rooms. Suddenly around midnight I was woken to fifteen Yulin police officers banging on my door, yelling that the police were there (in Chinese) and asking for my paperwork.

We knew we were being watched, but I never thought FIFTEEN police officers would show up at my room with cameras and videotape rolling.

They explained that the city is aware of our presence and filming with our large camera was not safe for us any longer. They also questioned @duoduoawp.

Our cameraman had to sleep outside of the hotel in order to protect our footage. We decided that this morning, it was best if we left and were taken to a safer place. We are now heading to Shenhzeng where more dog meat survivors are being treated and held. More updates once we arrive safely.

#AwarenessAmbassador #FriendNotFood #Duoduo

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