Tuesday, April 8, 2014



Dear Editor,

You can't sell half your soul, David Hanna

I learned about politics at my father's side. I don't recall if I was even twenty years old when I first joined my father working for the Liberals in NDG. My first political campaigns were for Raymond Barakett and Bill Tetley.

My dad, George Rubin, was at Warren Allmand's side from the time he first ran in NDG. A modest man - like Warren - my father was rarely seen in public. He worked behind the scenes on all the elections and I often heard him advising Warren over the telephone from home. Pop provided heartfelt, well thought-out advice - always with humility - never accepting payment and refusing any title or office. He was a wise, conscientious and honest citizen. He was always concerned for the public good and gave all his time and care to that cause.

I have been behind the scenes in politics for half a century, first in NDG, later on the West Island and finally back again in NDG. I have been involved at the municipal, provincial and federal levels. I have represented my community at conventions. I have worked to get Warren Allmand, Russell Copeman, Jean Pierre Goyer, Claude Dauphen, Marlene Jennings and Pierre Trudeau elected. I worked in Jean Chretien's Ottawa office as a volunteer. I was honoured to have a private visit with John Diefenbaker in his office in Parliament one Valentine's Day. I have battled it out with Jean Lesage and sparred with Pierre Laporte.

I lived through the October Crisis and the struggles of St. Leonard. I knew Rene Levesque when he was a very jumpy young journalist with a well-smoked cigarette hanging from his lower lip. I have heard all the political promises and been offered deals and compromises if I would just not say anything. I learned decades ago, how to recognize the lies and the games. I won't play. I don't play. I never played.

You can't sell half your soul. I would probably have supported David Hanna had he run as an independent candidate, beholden to no one but the people of the community. But David has tied his star to that of a blatant separatist. He has already compromised and made excuses - (see The Monitor article of September 8.)

Mme. Harel will not compromise her intention to tear apart my country. But David is a professor. He may not understand the game. I do. I see beyond the moment. I understand the concept of the thin edge of the wedge. I know the past and I will never compromise the future of my country for gain, large or small.

Phyllis Carter



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