Saturday, January 15, 2011


Victims of the flooding in Queensland are facing another crisis. Insurance companies there differentiate between "flash" floods and other kinds of floods. So many flood victims who have spent thousands of dollars (their currency) on insurance over the years may find themselves left in the mud, mould and mildew by their insurers on this technicality.
I know something about insurance companies from personal experience. For thirty years, I paid "The Rock" - Prudential Insurance (Assurance) - for coverage - house, valuables, and car - through an established agency in Beaconsfield on the West Island of Montreal.
When I was attacked and robbed in October, 1996, Prudential and my friendly, smiling agent dropped me like a hot potato. All of a sudden, they didn't know me.
I did not want compensation. I asked them to investigate and recover my stolen belongings. Everything I owned was still in the house where I had been living with my parents for two years - and where I had just been attacked and robbed - with the help of a Montreal Police officer.
Well, I guess Prudential heard "police officer": They abandoned me - just left me high and dry. But many unfortunate Australians will be left all wet by their insurers.
Insurance buyers BEWARE ! That friendly agent is not your friend.
For all the details, see

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