Wednesday, January 16, 2013


January 16, 2013
When given the choice, chimp picks porn.

Officials at a zoo in Spain were surprised to find out a female chimpanzee would select a porn channel when given a remote.

It should also be mentioned, she was using the remote control perfectly well.
When given the choice, chimp picks porn.

Officials at a zoo in Spain were surprised to find out a female chimpanzee would select a porn channel when given a remote.

It should also be mentioned, she was using the remote control perfectly well.
An indication that we are still primitive. Not as "civilized" as we would like to believe. Animals have no shyness about sex.
We humans have learned to be more modest and respectful of the private aspects of our lives. But so many people now indulge in every perversion and vulgarity and abuse imaginable and have no self respect.
When whores and pornography are widely accepted, it makes decent people reluctant to protest for fear of being ridiculed.
You don't have to belong to any particular religion or any religion at all, to have respect for yourself and those you claim to love. But for those who are still animals, what can we say? If society accepts them, society is falling and we will all suffer the consequences for this disrespect of decency.

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