Thursday, August 26, 2010


August 27, 2010
Better Change It's been two days since we did the radio show. Somebody tried to gain access to the email account I gave on air, I'm not receiving all of my messages on facebook, and the police car showed up on the street as I was walking to school (at 7:45 this morning). I'm hoping that I don't get any heavies as a result of me talking.
Whatever your circumstances, at least a radio station took an interest in what you had to say. In Montreal, Quebec, Canada, I have been trying to call attention to the crimes committed against my family by Dawn McSweeney and her "partners in crime" for thirteen years, but no one is listening. The English language weekly, The Suburban, did run two articles when the partners in crime obtained a court order declaring that I am insane and dangerous. That was in 2007. I was accused of wearing a big cross, quoting the bible, setting fires for the pleasure of watching homes burn, killing cats by throwing them against a wall - and dancing nude on my mother's grave. And a Quebec court judge actually granted the court order in four minutes without ever speaking to me and without any medical evidence or any witnesses except the partners in crime themselves. Montreal Police showed up at my door and took me away for a mental evaluation. Honest. In Canada in the 20th Century. All details at


Phyllis Carter said...

CORRECTION: Detailed reports of the crimes of Montreal Happy Tree Yoga Guru Dawn McSweeney are open to the world at

Phyllis Carter said...
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