Friday, June 25, 2010


I am too small and weak to take on the Vatican, but I am not too small or weak to tell the truth. My friend, the noble gentleman, Michael Steeler, took on the Vatican single-handedly and fought until his last days on earth to expose the Vatican's support of the Nazi Galicia SS. Even through his final illness, Michael used all his time, his last bit of money, probably his last postage stamp, to expose a terrible wrong - the blessing of the Galicia SS Nazis by the Vatican. 
I met Michael through his appearance on CBC Television's THE FIFTH ESTATE. With personal connections in the palaces of Europe, he had important facts to reveal in 
the interview produced by Howard Goldenthal. Michael presented the inside story of his one-man struggle for justice against the Goliath Vatican. 
Michael Steeler had two intense grievances against the Vatican: One, Michael was a homosexual fighting the hypocrisy of the Church that professes to love all God's children while rejecting and humiliating Catholics like himself. The other was the Roman Church's long denied but undeniable dance with the Nazis in World War II. Michael devoted the last days, nights, weeks and years of his life to exposing the Vatican's crimes.
I came to know Michael Steeler well through many letters and telephone calls until the end of his life. I had the privilege of meeting him only once, on a day trip I made to Toronto by train especially for the purpose of spending a little time with him face to face. I admired him greatly. He was an elegant, brilliant and courageous man, a noble gentleman.
Michael took pains to prepare a small gourmet lunch for me even though he was so thin and frail, I feared he was too weak to stand. And then he showed me ancient documents embellished with red wax seals and red ribbons, documents that showed his historical royal lineage and recognition by the Crown of England. It was an experience I will savour all my days.
It was a privilege to have spent those precious few hours with a man of such character, an education to learn so much from one who had personally experienced life in the palaces of Europe since his childhood during World War II.
Michael told me about his meeting with Adolph Hitler. A distant relative was very friendly with Hitler. Michael was a small boy at the time. Hitler didn't like him. Michael didn't like Hitler either. There were so many more stories Michael might have told me if there had been more time. But our letters and phone calls continued until the end.
Before I left his apartment, Michael gave me a book on heraldry and he signed it "To Scrapper". With that, he encouraged me to "stand on his shoulders" and continue fighting for justice. I took Mike Steeler's charge to heart.  And as frail as he was, the gentleman walked me to the train station.
Now, in the year 2010, after hearing more of the Vatican's cover up for the disgusting, abusive priests and bishops - and for the Pope himself - I cannot remain a mere curious bystander. I promised Michael I would carry on being the "Scrapper" for justice, as he dubbed me.
There are priests who would direct our attention to the future. Let's listen to the people. We are no longer a church of priests but a church for the people, one priest said on Global TV News in Montreal. Spin, diversion, excuses, distraction, apologies, smoke and mirrors, good intentions, but never the whole truth.
The Church is so powerful that someone like me is less than a mosquito in this matter. But a splinter in the side of injustice, that I am, only that, but at least that.
Lest we forget, let's not obliterate the meaning of the lives of so many people who have been severely damaged by the Roman Catholic Church. Do those who have died matter less ? Gone and forgotten ? Tsk-tsk !
Under Pope John XXIII, a ray of light shone on the Vatican and on the Catholic people. Now we see the shadow of the Dark Ages returning.
Just about everyone knows the truth, but only a few dare to acknowledge it. Most leave it to a few still-living victims of some of the abuses to carry the burden of speaking out. When they have died, the Church can obliterate their memory too.
Most Catholics continue to sin by their silence as so many did during the Holocaust. After all, how can you expect millions of people to let go of something they have depended on so totally for so long?
In memory of Michael Steeler, and millions of Jewish people, and the innocent children hurt by Roman Catholic priests, and brushed aside and buried by bishops for decades, if not centuries, my conscience demands that I speak the truth openly.
The corruption of God's Word is a tragedy for the believing Catholics of the world, and for their friends.
Scrub away the sins. I pray that honourable priests will speak out and hold the guilty - all of them - responsible. Only then can the Roman Church claim to have clean hands and go forward into a blessed future. Then, and only then.
I am,
Phyllis Carter
" Between 1918 and 1939, Uniats in Galicia also gradually began to return to Orthodoxy, despite ferocious Polish repression,. By 1928, there were 40 Orthodox parishes there and eventually some 50,00 returned to Orthodoxy. However, repression continued there until the Second World War. Sadly, under instructions from the Vatican, after 1939 the latinized Uniat episcopate showed enthusiastic loyalty to the new Nazi regime. Indeed, the head of the Uniats in Galicia, 'Metropolitan' Andrei Sheptitsky, actually 'blessed' the 14th SS Division, recruited in Galicia, and their genocidal massacres. Senior Uniat clergy in Galicia also supported nationalist Ukrainian organizations. These were notorious for their murders of Communists, Jews, Poles and Orthodox clergy and they continued their terrorist activities into the early 1950s. As a result, after World War II, Sheptitsky's successor, Joseph Slipy, and four other Uniat bishops were arrested by the new Soviet regime for collaboration with the Nazis, as were quislings throughout liberated Europe. "

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