Sunday, April 15, 2018


Image result for canada seal hunt 2018 photos

This year's commercial seal hunting started in Canada on 9. April. The Association announced the goal is to kill 80.000 to 100.000 seals. Please help to stop this cruel massacre ! 👉

Q: Is the seal hunt cruel?

A: Yes. It is notable that in the 50 years Canada's commercial seal hunt has been the subject of consistent veterinary scrutiny, not one report has ever suggested the seal hunt is acceptably humane. A 2007 review by Dr. Mary Richardson, a Canadian veterinary expert in humane slaughter methods, concluded that the commercial seal hunt is inherently inhumane because of the environment in which it operates and the speed at which the killing must be conducted.

In 2007, a report by an international team of veterinary and zoology experts who studied the hunt concluded that both clubbing and shooting of seals in Canada are inhumane and should be prohibited. The report noted a general failure to comply with regulations by sealers and a failure to enforce the regulations by authorities.
Similarly, in 2001, a report by an independent team of veterinarians who studied the hunt concluded that governmental regulations regarding humane killing were neither being respected nor enforced, and that the seal hunt failed to comply with Canada's basic animal welfare standards. Shockingly, the veterinarians found that in 42 percent of the cases they studied, there was not enough evidence of cranial injury to even guarantee unconsciousness at the time of skinning.
Parliamentarians, journalists, and scientists who observe Canada's commercial seal hunt each year continue to report unacceptable levels of cruelty, including sealers dragging conscious seals across the ice floes with boat hooks, shooting seals and leaving them to suffer in agony, stockpiling dead and dying animals, and cutting open live seals.

The hunt Canada loves: Why seal clubbing will never die.

Hunting seals may ignite outrage abroad, but it is one of the few issues supported by virtually every Canadian MP, regardless of region or party.


It's sealing season once again in Canada. This means that, once again, activists are out in strength to decry Canadians as baby-killers and, in some cases, ISIS. And on Tuesday, Canada's strained relationship with India got just a bit worse when India banned the import of seal skins (although, for obvious reasons, they were never a major seal skin market). 

'Subsistence' exemptions for Inuit are meaningless.

Whether it's the European Union or the International Fund for Animal Welfare, seal hunting opponents usually have a common mantra: They want to shut down the "commercial" hunt while preserving "subsistence" sealing for Inuit hunters.

However, Inuit aren't just eating seal, they also depend heavily on seal pelt sales and are hit hardest by bans and boycotts. "They're still picturing little Eskimos in igloos with no need for money," filmmaker Alethea Arnaquq-Baril said of seal hunting opponents in her pro-seal hunting documentary Angry Inuk.

In 1983, the European Union banned the importation of seal pup products. Although Inuit did not hunt the products mentioned -  and were even included in a special exemption - the ban nevertheless prompted a worldwide collapse in demand for seal products. Overnight, Arctic seal hunting revenues plummeted, nomadic hunters were forced to settle into fixed communities and the region's already-high suicide rates became among the worst on the planet. "It was our Great Depression," said Arnaquq-Baril. It also made the word "Greenpeace" a virtual swear word anywhere above the treeline.


Inuit correctly note that most of the world's seal hunters are Inuk. But when it comes to sheer quantity of hunted seals, however, most of those are still coming out of Newfoundland and Labrador. Exact numbers are difficult to come by for the all-year Arctic hunt, but the Nunavut territorial government estimates that its hunters take 35,000 seals per year. In 2016, the Atlantic hunt took about 70,000 harp and grey seals, and as recently as 2006 that number has been as high as 355,000.

Not every seal dies instantly.

Be they Inuit or Newfoundlander, hunters miss. Although the most humane way to dispatch a seal is with a kill shot to the head, keep in mind that hunters are generally taking aim from a boat. Flubbed shots, combined with negligent checks into whether a seal is dead, means that animals are occasionally still alive when they're brought aboard sealing boats. The aforementioned report commissioned by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association concluded that between 0.8 and 1.9 per cent of seals were still showing signs of life after being hooked aboard. "This small proportion of animals that are not killed efficiently justifies continued attention to this industry's activities," wrote the report.

The European Union's own food safety authority concluded in a 2007 report, suffering in the Canadian seal hunt could be "largely avoided" if hunters simply took greater care to ensure that a seal's skull was crushed before they were hooked and skinned.

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