Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Today, English speakers are a minority in Quebec. And for lack of a better term, we're treated like - expletive deleted.
The French want their sovereignty so badly, that lately they have begun to just take it – the government of Quebec have imposed all these laws, or limitations rather, as to how much English can be used in Quebec…sounds crazy, I know – but I'm being completely serious.

I came to Florida because I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to do my PhD, and the reason I will probably never go back to my own home is because the government of Quebec has made it hard for me to feel welcome there, because English is my first language.
French can be beautiful – but it doesn't seem that way when you are forced to use it the vast majority of the time, and threatened if you don't.
If I went home after graduating, I would probably have to take several licensing exams in French, in addition to practicing primarily in French.
If ever I decided to open a practice, the sign would have to be in French and my Business Cards would have to be in French, as well.
If English was included on the signs, or on the cards, the French writing would have to be significantly larger than the English writing, or the 'Language Police' would come and close my business, in addition to giving me a large fine.
Once again, I'm not kidding – we have language police.
Full report at -

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