Wednesday, August 21, 2013


French Islamists are replacing long established English speaking Canadians in Quebec. The exodus from Quebec continues as extremists inflict outrageous restrictions against the English language in order to force English speaking people to submit or get out.
Two Examples:
August 20, 2013
I miss Quebec, the way it used to be. I've never been into politics, until I started getting told I should be speaking to my kids in French because I'm in Quebec... then it started to matter.
I am Canadian. I grew up in the Eastern Townships, in a beautiful bilingual town. My first best friend was a French girl who had a smattering of English, I had a little French, and we both loved to play in the woods, it was Franglais and it was great.
I went to the first French Immersion school in the area, within the English school board, (thanks Mom), so my kids can do the same. I grew up in an English home, and spoke two languages at school all day. I had summer jobs in the bilingual world of the tourist industry and even sold some Brome Lake Duck paté to Jean Charest at the local tourist office! There wasn't the dissent and the finger pointing and the general malaise there is now.
I married a man who's mother is from the ROC ( Rest of Canada) but who's father is pure laine ( Pure Wool i.e. French stock) from the Gaspé. I love them both more than I can say. Who cares about politics... but I guess now we have to.
I was never one to talk religion or politics, but now push has come to shove hasn't it? Now I care. It matters. I have the little certificates that are issues IN FRENCH giving my sons the right to go to school in English. Good for me. Good for them. Everyone should have that right. Who is the PQ to determine a parent's choice of education for their child? This isn't 16th century Rome and they aren't the pope! Why are we allowing this?
I miss the joie de vivre... I miss the feeling of pride in this beautiful place we live in. My son has issues that make learning another language hard for him, he will feel the stares and hear the comments I distract him from soon enough. Things need to change.
This isn't a province to be proud of anymore. Every little bit that the PQ aims to take with Bill 14 eats away at the joy there was in being a Quebecois. I don't understand where it went really, I guess I was busy having and raising my kids while it was being torn down and abused by politicians... but I miss Quebec, the way it used to be.

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