Wednesday, July 25, 2018


They come to you pleading for asylum, pleading for protection. Some come to your shores, to your man-made borders, having watched their beloved children drown or die of fever. Some come to your gates having crossed burning desert with babies sun-baked on their shoulders. They come to your borders hoping to be rescued.

Who comes?

Flesh and blood human beings.

They come to strange places in Europe called "democratic". Some come to that great "Golden Medina", America, Paradise.
Who comes? Grandmothers, weary fathers, little boys, pretty young women in what might have been early bloom in better times, toddlers, hungry, thirsty, wondering what is happening. Bewildered, confused, afraid, hanging on to Mommy. Babies, limp, too tired to cry.
Why do they come? Why do they wear out their sandals on the stones and their children's little bodies on such a dangerous journey? Why do they trudge over miles and miles of land or dare to face the hungry dark waters to come to your strong walls and your narrow gates?
They flee war, hunger, thieves, hate, drug lords, guns, knives, child traffickers, rapists and powerful, brutal dictators. They come fleeing to your arms having seen their families murdered, bloody, their homes destroyed, their businesses and their families shattered, their toddlers crushed under tons of grey rubble.
Who comes? Ah! There's the rub. Who? Victims of abuse, human beings who hope to be allowed to live what we call "normal lives" and, most importantly of all, to protect their children.
Who comes? Among those who hope to join a free society, to become citizens, to give their children opportunities to be educated, to be allowed health care, and to find good jobs and create homes and families and, in time, to become a part of a beautiful story, an improbable dream, just as millions of refugees have done before - among these true refugees, there come the greedy opportunists intending to grab jobs and benefits without having to go through legitimate systems the way millions of Jewish, Italian and Irish refugees did  before.

And mingling among the authentic refugees - creeping like vermin, hidden like viruses - there come the criminals, the terrorists, spies - "sleepers" who will wait quietly and long among the people for their signal to destroy.
And so the Cowards in Power and their greedy followers use the excuse that criminals are trying to enter our wonderful lands to destroy us. They shut the doors. They close their eyes and ears. They make laws so that every baby becomes the enemy. They don't have time or the will to sort out the wheat from the chaff and do justice.

They turned away the St. Louis and sent Jews back to Hitler's ovens.

Today, they call themselves Christians - lovers of "the law","Evangelicals" - followers of that black Jew, Jesus - while they lie and cheat and steal and fornicate freely and cause the suffering and death of hundreds of innocent refugees - most of whom have tinted-tainted skins. If Jesus returned this morning, the "Evangelicals" will have lynched him by twilight and, tragically, shamefully, too many right wing fool Jews are being taken in by those fake Christians.
There will be justice. The victims of the fear mongers, the racists, those whose only God is money - their victims, the children and families rejected, refused, torn asunder, turned back - the victims of greed and hate and selfishness and lies will never forget. They will tell what the haters did and the children of those who are suffering now because of this cruelty will return and make the families and descendants of their abusers pay dearly. 

You heartless people who are hurting the asylum seekers and innocent, desperate, refugees are creating your worst enemies. Arm your children and grandchildren and just wait. You are planting the seeds of your own children's destruction. 

There will be Refugees' Revenge. 

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