Thursday, February 22, 2018


A person using the name May Zion Cohen posted a comment on Facebook complaining against the U.S.A. allowing "health care for Mexicans and Canadians".

I commented that all human beings are entitled to health care. I did not use any profanity or threat. I never do.

Facebook blocked ME.

In the past, sordid photos of naked female prostitutes committing the most disgusting acts started appearing on my Facebook pages. I complained to Facebook. They answered that this "does not contravene Facebook's standards". I had to search out the source of those videos on my own and tracked them back to a Russian source.

Over the years, I have blocked many Nazis and other bigots. To do that, you must go to their Facebook pages. You can do this on your own. There you will see Swastikas. wolves, skulls, fat men and women in army fatigues on trucks and motorcycles, dead mutilated animals, Nazi, Ku Klux Klan and confederate flags, Satanic images and weapons of all kinds - and little children being taught to use guns and do the Nazi salute. This, Facebook allows.

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