Saturday, July 3, 2010



Dear Editor,

Here we go again ! More millions to replace the roof of the Olympic Stadium - again ! One has to wonder about the sanity of a society that persistently invests taxpayers' hard-earned money in games and circuses, while hospitals are struggling to keep up with patients' needs, Montreal pavements are constantly collapsing into pot holes, homeless people lie about in the streets and parks, pieces of buildings are falling onto pedestrians, and the news of the day is always - "We are in debt".

Authorities talk about different jurisdictions, but in fact, there is only one "pot" of money. Everything comes out of the same pot - the citizens' worn out pockets.
Montreal's Olympic Stadium - like the Roman forum - is the icon that represents the twisted values of our society.
Games and circuses?  Let them eat cake!
Phyllis Carter
First published in The Gazette, Montreal, on July 2, 2010

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